Annelies Designs

Event outputs: Belgian EU Presidency (Youth)

​​​​​​​I was asked to support with designing various event outputs within the framework of the Belgian EU Presidency in the field of Youth

(taking place from January 2024 – June 2024).

I used the existing brand guidelines for ‘EU NEEDS YOUTH’ as developed by Bridgeneers,

often adapting it to the purple version, in accordance with purple being the main colour

for the European Conference on Local Youth Work and Democracy.

Programmes used: Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop and Indesign, Canva.

Print materials

For the various events I developed a number of print materials, among which:

Kakemono banners on the outside of the building, buttons (to indicate if someone

would rather not be photographed), discussion cards for large group discussions, and various smaller items

such as name tags, bus or organisation signs, signs for reserved table/seats and toilet signage.

Mockup by
Mockup by cr8tiv_yemmy
Mockup by cr8tiv_yemmy
Mockup by

Digital outputs

Both in the run-up and during the events several digital materials

were also needed. For this I developed: Social media templates,

holding images for one of the event apps, agenda and signposting for digital screens, holding screen for the main auditorium. 

Conference report

In addition to creating materials for the preparation phase and during the various events, I was also commissioned to design the report of the European Conference on Local Youth Work and Democracy. It ended up being a 34-page document, including 3 annexes and is an official publication by the Flemish Government.

You can read it here.

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